Environmental Management Policy

Plan B Media Public Company Limited has a strong intention to conduct business based on economic, social and environmental responsibility. The Company realizes the importance of its responsibility for environmental issues resulted from its business operations, products and services. Therefore, the Company issued a policy to promote production development and innovation creation in order to alleviate potential issues together with proper sustainability strategies and operating plans.

To drive operating strategies, the Company has selected topics that enhance sustainable development of the organization and mutually set sustainable development goals of the Company according to sustainable development objectives in line with international standards. Moreover, the Company voluntarily participated in sustainability standards with the purpose to support continuous development in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the United Nations Global Compact.

The Company recognizes that higher competitiveness and more business opportunities can be attained through environmental efforts reflected in environmental cost management. Consequently, the Company announced its environmental management policy that is also applicable for its subsidiaries and communicated with related parties to encourage participation and engagement of executives, employees at all levels, counterparties and relevant stakeholders with the objective to ensure good practice across the organization’s value chain.

Note that the Company incorporated sustainable development policy and plans as a part of its operating plans. Strategies were formulated at organization level to be in alignment with 7 sustainable development goals out of a total of 17 goals (based on Table of Sustainable Development Goals), its capacity and potential so that the Company moves toward sustainable development across its value chain.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The role and responsibilities encompass managing and overseeing climate change and environmental issues directly under the supervision of the Managing Director. This involves setting standards, addressing challenges, and finding solutions related to climate conditions. In addition, the Sustainability Committee is responsible for presenting strategies and driving organizational-level initiatives to the Managing Director. They also submit reports, propose resolutions to the Corporate Governance Committee, and ask the Board of Directors for further consideration and approval.

The Sustainability Committee leads in managing climate change and environmental issues, overseeing organizational operations, and establishing subcommittees (department-specific units responsible for specific areas) to manage operational-level tasks. They are responsible for supervising day-to-day activities and ensuring that every employee is responsible for climate change and environmental management issues. Additionally, they schedule annual meetings and report on the progress to the Board of Directors and the company committee as per the agenda.

2023 goals for environmental management
  • To manage efficient electricity consumption, including using electricity and air-conditioning system in the common areas that the Company can directly monitor and control. At the same time, the target was set to reduce energy consumption by 5% in 2023 compared with 2021
  • Replacement of lighting systems of billboards to be 100% energy-saving systems by 2023
  • Controlling the amount of water in washing the car by using a faucet with a switch and checking the readiness of the washing equipment to avoid wasting water
Long-term environmental management goals
  • To manage efficient electricity consumption. At the same time, targets were set to reduce energy consumption per area by 20% within 2031 compared to the 2021 base year
  • To manage resources for maximum benefits, the Company reused and developed leftover vinyl or vinyl with expired customer contracts to design valuable items and increase benefits by 10% per year
Climate Change Management

Intensifying global warming and climate change are considered one of the key urgencies that require all parties to join forces in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, according to the Paris Agreement. The company has shown its commitment to controlling the average global temperature. In the past, the company has recorded and kept statistics that are useful for managing and determining measures to reduce the number of greenhouse gases in the long term.

Greenhouse gas emissions statistics

Greenhouse gas emissions of Operation Team in 2020-2022 are as follows:

  • In 2020, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions is approximately 17,664,624 KgCO2e.
  • In 2021, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions is approximately 15,324,660 KgCO2e.
  • In 2022, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions is approximately 22,793,000 KgCO2e.

Projects for Reducing Energy Consumption during 2018-2022

  1. Change the lighting system to LED lamps

    The government's policy on energy management of the country strongly promotes energy conservation according to the 20-year Energy Conservation Action Plan (2011-2030). In addition, it promotes the use of high-efficiency electrical appliances and energy-efficient buildings and clean energy development to reduce greenhouse gases and solve global warming problems.

    The Company is aware of such problems and responds to government policies in all aspects. For example, the Company has changed the light bulbs to LED, which uses low energy but provides high luminous efficiency and free of UV rays, which helps reduce global warming. The changes to LED lamps also allowed the Company to save electricity charges by more than 50%. In addition, in 2022, the Company changed 4,700 billboard lights from Metal Halide lamps to LED lamps, which helped reduce electricity bills by THB 13,254,000 per year and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 6,552 kgCO2e or a kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.

  2. LED Display Improvements

    Since almost all of the Company's operating assets are advertising billboards and signages, the Company has foreseen the benefits of improving LED displays to reduce workforce and maintenance costs. Accordingly, the improvement of this LED screen has been started since 2021 with the following results:

    • In 2021, the renovation of the LED screens, with a total area of 9,865 square meters, has resulted in reducing fuel consumption from travelling by approximately 154 litres per month, cutting both maintenance and fuel costs by approximately THB 15,786,630 and reducing greenhouse gases by about 2,270 tCO2e or tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.
    • In 2022, the renovation of the LED screens, with a total area of 1,375 square meters, has resulted in reducing fuel consumption from travelling by approximately 100 litres per month, cutting both maintenance and fuel costs by approximately THB 159,600 and reducing greenhouse gases by about 3,288 tCO2e or tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.

2023 goals for climate change management

To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 5-10% within 2023 compared to 2021 as the base year through improvements to the company's advertising screens, including replacing LED lamps and light bulbs.

Long-term climate change management goals

According to the Paris Agreement, climate change, global warming, and extreme weather variability are urgent issues that all parties must collaborate on to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Accordingly, the Company expressed its commitment to temperature control by setting a target of greenhouse gas emission reduction from its operations to be at 5-10% within 2031 compared with the 2021 base year


Objective: Assess the risks and opportunities of climate change.

Risks Details of Risks Impact on the Company

Strategic Risks

Risks from ongoing climate change include the greenhouse effect, rising temperatures, extreme weather changes and shortages of water and raw materials
  • Damage to the Company's billboards.
  • Electricity cost and performance.
  • Reputation risk if the Company's billboards used by client brands are damaged by climate change

Operational Risks

The risk of acute and chronic physical impact is caused by climate change, such as floods, droughts, unpredictable climate change, and higher temperatures
  • Delay in construction or installation of billboards within the specified period
  • Product management processes such as maintenance planning for damaged billboards
  • Shortage of personnel

Financial Risks

The risk of changing behaviours/needs of customers/consumers that are more aware of climate change
  • Reduction in operating revenue

Compliance Risks

The risk from changes in government policies/regulations in response to climate change includes the risk of non-compliance with rules, regulations, contracts and agreements
  • The increased cost of modifying various devices within the organization to save electricity costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Opportunities Details of Opportunities Impact on the Company

Products and Services

Opportunity to increase the proportion of environmentally friendly services/products contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Innovation in the production of billboards and services
  • Enhance the Company's reputation from its billboards or services that promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions


Opportunity to increase competitiveness and market advantage over competitors related to climate change
  • Channels for advertising the service that reaches the audience fast

Climate change impacts volume of water in natural water sources of each area which can lead to risk of insufficient water to meet the demand of various units. Hence, the Company has set a water management plan to improve water usage efficiency.

Water Management Approach

  • Improve efficiency in water usage in all processes that consume water
  • Reuse treated wastewater for operations
  • Controlling the amount of water in washing the car by using a faucet with a switch and checking the readiness of the washing equipment to avoid wasting water

Plan B’s Water Consumption Statistics

  2020 2021 2022

Water consumption (m3)

450 455


Increase (decrease) (%)

nm +1% -21%

2023 goals for water management

To reduce 5-10% of water usage from operations by 2023 compared to 2021 based

Long-term water management goals

Reduce water consumption by 10% in 2031 compared to 2021 based on environmental sustainability and reducing the long-term risks of insufficient water supply

From the above-mentioned performance on climate change management and water management. the Company has put in place a process to determine material issues of the Company in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards through considering important issues for stakeholders as well as material issues related to economic, social and environmental impacts of the Company as follows:

  • GRI 302: Energy
    • GRI 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization
    • GRI 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption
    • GRI 302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services
  • GRI 303: Water and Effluents
    • GRI 303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource
    • GRI 303-2 Management of water discharge-related impacts
    • GRI 303-3 Water withdrawal
    • GRI 303-5 Water consumption
  • GRI 305: Emissions
    • GRI 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
    • GRI 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
    • GRI 305-4 GHG emissions intensity
    • GRI 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions
Environmental Management Policy (1st Revision)