
The company actively pursues sustainable business conduct stressing good corporate governance and sufficient and proper internal control processes. The Company set forth a clear Anti-Corruption Policy covering all activities and undertaking of the Company. Corruption and guidelines for corruption-prone activities are well-defined and communicated with internal and external parties. Note that the Company is concerned with corruption risk from its activities and requires that this risk be examined, assessed, and prevented. Accordingly, the Company issued control and monitoring measures for activities with potential corruption risk to ensure that its undertakings are honest and transparent and prevent corruption.

Furthermore, communication channels were put in place for stakeholders to blow the whistle, send suggestions and file complaints related to corruption directly with the Audit Committee. In addition, the Company is also a certified member of the Thai Private Sector’s Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC). Finally, the Company requires all employees to assess their knowledge and understanding of the Code of Conduct, and 100% of employees must pass the assessment to encourage all employees to be fully aware of the Code of Con-duct and foster employees' work ethics.

In addition, the company also requires all employees to undergo a rigorous Code of Conduct test where all employees must pass all criteria. This is to encourage all company employees to acknowledge and instill work ethics in employees.

Anti-Corruption Procedures

The employee at all levels shall comply with the following anti-corruption conducts:

  • Follow the anti-corruption procedures, business codes of conduct and ethics, and the Company’s rules by not getting involved directly or indirectly in corruption.
  • Refrain from taking any action that shows intent toward corruption or bribery with the stakeholder of the Company on the scope of works under responsibility both directly and indirectly for the benefit of the Company, employees or related persons.
  • Do not neglect to inform the manager or responsible parties and cooperate in any further investigation when knowing of any actions connected to corruption in the Company.
  • When taking any corruption-prone action, employees at all levels of the Company must follow the following guidelines with care.
  • Employees must follow the policy explained in the good corporate governance and business ethics and the Company’s anti-corruption procedures for gifts, reception and other related expenses.
  • For charity purposes, such donation must be under the Company’s name to any organization whose mission is for social benefits, and such organization must be reliable with proper license. The donation must also be processed with transparency by the Company’s rules and laws and examined and audited to ensure that such donation is not made for a corruption purposes.
  • Sponsorship, both by money and assets to any activities or projects, must specify the name of the Company. In addition, such sponsorship must enhance business and the Company’s image and be processed with transparency in line with the Company’s rules and laws.
  • Any business relationship, purchase and hiring, and business communication with the government, private sector counterparty, and any party related to the business operation must be transparent, honest and in accordance with related laws.
  • The company has a neutral political policy, meaning all employees have political rights and freedom under the laws. However, employees must not take any action or use the company’s resources for political purposes. Such actions may hurt the Company’s neutral political policy and can cause harm to the Company for involvement in political activities.

The Company has established processes and channels for receiving and dealing with complaints from all stakeholders. You can contact or complain about issues that may be a problem by contacting the Audit Committee, which are independents directors as follows:

Postal Mail: The Audit Committee of Plan B Media PCL 1700 Plan B Tower 1700 Plan B Tower New Petchburi Road, Makkasan, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400
Email to Company Secretary:
Telephone: +66 (0) 2530-8053-6 #422

In this regard, the complainant can be confident that the Company has measures to keep the complainant's information confidential and protect the informant.

Process of Handling Complaints

Whistleblowers or complaints through various channels. The Company Secretary Division prepares a summary of corruption and complaints received.


Consider first whether the complaint involves a violation of anticorruption measures.

  • If the case does not qualify as a violation against the anticorruption section, the matter will be forward to the appropriate departments.
  • In case of corruption

    i. If unfounded, the results will be communicated to the complainant.

    ii. The Company Secretary Division will take further action if there is sufficient information. *In case of corruption that must be rectified promptly, the case will be reported to the Executive Committee and the Audit Committee. The copy will be forwarded to the Internal Audit Division for acknowledgement.


Coordinate with the Human Resources Department to appoint an investigation committee. After setting up an investigation committee, the Human Resources Department will proceed with the investigation.


Report the number of fraud whistleblowers, event summary, and operational status to the Audit Committee, reporting every six months.

PLANB has measures to protect the rights of complainants and informants. For example, the Company will conceal the name, address, or any information that can identify the complainant or the information provider and keep the information of the complainant and the informant confidential. Whistleblowing mechanisms, compliant handling and investigation process, and whistleblowing reports appear in detail in the Anti-Corruption Measures. In 2022, no reports on violations of the Code of Conduct existed.

Indicators 2022 performance
Number of breach cases 0
Legal proceeding 0
Business integrity 0
Data privacy 0
Conflict of interest 0
Human rights (i.e. discrimination and harassment) 0
Environment, occupational health, and safety 0
Consequences of breach 0
Verbal warnings 0
Written warnings 0
Contract termination 0
Pending investigation 0
Anti-corruption policy
Anti-corruption Manual
Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC)
No Gift Policy